Site Selection: Designing a house as per Vastu - III

Science behind Vastu

While designing our house, the first step taken by us is to make the proper selection of the site or the plot. Various aspects are considered by us while making the appropriate selection. In this article, we will understand the factors which should be avoided while selecting the site.

Before going in detail, we should first understand why should some sites be preferred, and others avoided while making a house.

Which sites should be avoided?

Which sites should be avoided?

a. Plots sold in a distress: It has been observed that there are plots and sites which are sold in distress. It can be due to some family emergency or some other reasons. While selecting the site, one should be very careful and should investigate a bit about the history of the plot, its owners and their living conditions/style. If there is a distress deal, the plot might not have positive vibes. Maybe the energy levels are imbalanced.

There is also a possibility that the energy levels are not in synchronisation with the previous owners. So, it is necessary to buy such plots with utmost caution.

Logic reasoning: A site/plot which has any such emergencies like suicides, death, or some medical emergencies will have the inmates who will be unhappy or guilty. It is either their energies are not balanced with their immediate environment, or the place has some negative energies. In either of the cases the person who buys might not be psychologically happy. Therefore, it is very important to spend some time on the plot and feel the vibes of the space and trust your instincts.

b. Plots in the public places: Let us talk about another situation in which the plot is abutting any public areas like the hospital, market, school, college, temple, etc. Since these places will pull a lot of people, there will be a constant disturbance.

Logic reasoning: These places will be constantly crowded and filled with the variety of people. It will be extremely noisy and will cause disturbance to the inmates. Also, it will pull every genre of people and there can be security issues too. For example, someone may park their vehicle in front of the plot while going for shopping which will create inconvenience to the owner. Hence, it is recommended to have a plot/site at least 80 feet away from any such public areas.

c. Plots previously owned by Temples or Charitable trusts: At times we come across the sites which were earlier owned by the temples or the charitable trust. Although these days the government authorities will not be assigning them for the residential purposes but still if these sites are available, one should avoid buying such properties.

Logic reasoning: Any such site which has been designated for the temple or the charitable trust will not be suitable for the residential purposes as there will be a lot of pressure by the society to donate it for the charitable purposes.

d. Plots near smelly places: It is not advisable to buy any plot which is near the areas like sewage drains, industries emitting smell, shoe shop, meat shop, workshop, leather tannery, laundry, dump-yard, etc.

Logic reasoning: The stench emanating from these areas will permeate the house permanently. It will create adverse effects on the health of the inmates and will inevitably affect the senses of the people living in it all the time.

e. Plots where cactus grows: The cactus is a plant that predominantly grows in the desert and requires less water to grow. It also has thorns on it and rarely have any flower.

Logic reasoning: Any such plant is not considered good as it does not represent a healthy living condition around it. Also, such sites indicate that the soil around it is sandy and is not good for supporting the foundation of the house effectively.

f. Plots where there are lot of termites: It is advisable not to select the plot in the area where there is a lot of termites.

Logic reasoning: The reason behind this fact is that the termites create a vast underground network. Even if we do anti-termite treatments on the foundation, there are great chances that the termites will not be eradicated completely. When the house is made in such a soil, there are chances that they spoil the wooden furniture etc. and cause great harm.

g. Plots sandwiched between larger plots: There are many plots which are sandwiched between the larger plots. It is important to check these plots carefully before buying. The access to essential factors for living like Sun, Air, Water etc. should not be hampered.

Logic reasoning: It is likely that the owner of the smaller plot will be able to construct a smaller portion of the land due to the financial constraints than the owner of the larger plots. It will not only hamper the essential factors to enter the site, but the person might subconsciously feel small and overpowered with respect to the neighbours. This can create psychological impact like inferiority etc. Hence, any such site should be avoided.

i. Plots with obstructions: Again any such plot having mountains, hills, tall buildings or towers in the north, north-east, or east side should not be considered for buying.

Logic reasoning: Earlier, we have understood how important it is to get the morning sun rays directly into our house. The useful morning sunrays will be blocked. However, having such obstructions on the west or south sides are considered good as they block the hot western rays.

k. Plots with electrical pole, high tension line or the power supply station in the north-east corner: Yet another important aspect of selecting the best site is to avoid the site having electric pole or the power supply station in the north-east corner. In fact, the plot having a high-tension line over it is also not a good option.

Logic reasoning: The reason behind it is that the electric waves create an electric field thus creating a negative impact on the health of the inmates.

l. Haunted or a dilapidated house/plot: There are sites where there have been deaths in a short span of time. Someone might have even committed suicide. These kinds of sites are not considered good and should be avoided.

Logic reasoning: The person buying such plot will feel psychological uneasiness and will not be able to commence his life happily. These sites might also have negative fields which are not appropriate for residential purposes. These energy fields are described if we go into the depths of this subject.

m. Plots with lot of cracks or too much wet soil: Sometimes, we come across the soil which is wet and holds a lot of water in it. Such site should not be considered.

Logic reasoning: The cracks in the soil indicate dried up clayey soil and too wet soil also indicates clayey soil that does not allow the drainage of water. Such soil is not suitable for a building foundation as it will retain a lot of moisture. This will result in extra expenditure for water-proofing the foundation.

n. Plots with trees: If the plot is a small one, there should not be trees like peepal, mango, banyan, tamarind etc., on it.

Logic reasoning: These trees have far-spreading roots and branches which can cause damage to the building foundation and the entire building. However, if the plot is quite big, it is good to have these trees, but away from the building and not in the north-east corner.

o. Plots facing T or Y section: The plot should not be at the junction of the roads like the T-junction or the Y-section.

Logic reasoning: This is because the T-junction acts like a funnel which are constantly drawing energies, wind, dust towards the house. Also, oncoming traffic can look directly into your house, and this may make you feel a bit nervous as it intrudes into your privacy. However, in some cases, as explained below, such plots are acceptable. We will talk about Veedi Shoola in our next article.

I am an Architect, Interior Designer and a Vastu Consultant, with more than a decade of experience in conceptualization, designing and construction of diverse architectural projects. An alumnus of IIT-Roorkee, I have a thorough background in architecture and interior designing with expertise in directing all project phases. My passion towards architecture inspires me to keep learning about various new trends yet following the age old traditions.

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