The Evolution of the Tradition

Thirumoorthy M. is a native of Coimbatore and he promotes individual houses and also does Civil Contract work for Residential, Commercial and Industrial Buildings. He is a practicing astrologer in KP Astrology, Vedic Astrology and Vasthu Shasthra. He did his Astrology and Vasthu course by Gurukul method under gurus connected with the Art of Living Ashram and Vedanthri Maharishi Ashram.

What is Vedic Astrology?

Vedic Astrology also known as Jyotish is based on the observation of Vedic sages that cosmic objects like planets, sun, moon and stars have influence on a person’s life. They are based on the time of birth of an individual.

What is KP Astrology?

KP Astrology (Krishnamurthy Paddhatti System) was founded by an incredible Indian Astrologer Late Prof. K. S. Krishnamurthy. It is an expansion of Nakshtra Nadi where the Nakshtra is isolated into nine sections unequally, according to the proportion of the planetary dasha in Vimshotri dasha framework named "SUBS". KP Astrology uses K. P. Ayanamsa as opposed to Lahiri Ayanamsha which is used in Vedic System. These two shifts by 6 minutes. As indicated by KP Astrology, the planets in their dasha gives results as per their Nakshatra Swami as opposed to the actual planet.

What is the Difference between Vedic and KP Astrology?

In Vedic astrology, the predictions seem to be the same for the people born with same lagna/rasi. But, in the real world, they do not possess the same character traits.

Vedic astrology is used to predict future according to the change of houses, while KP Astrology predicts future events through

Cusp division as per signlord – starlord - sublord.

Planet's position as per signlord – starlord - sublord

Significators as per starlord and sublord

Combination for different life incidents & ruling planets

KP Astrology gives importance to the Stars or Nakshatras or Constellation divisions of the Zodiac and that serves the desired purpose for precision. They are further divided into 9 divisions and named ‘SUBS’.

KP Astrology is a part of Vedic astrology and not something different, it was devised based on Vedic astrology principles but it gives a far more better understanding of the current scenario and provides a more accurate prediction.

Why should one check his/her Horoscope?

Astrology is based on the science that assists with foreseeing anyone's life by examining the position of the 9 planets, of the 12 zodiacal signs and of the 27 Nakshatras at the moment of his birth. Alongside that, the individual's introduction to the world is vital to foresee characters and future life. With astrology, it is feasible to predict an individual's personality, marriage, family, kids, career, finance, assets, disease and so on. This is the reason numerous individuals trust in astrology today.

Is Horoscope Matching for Marriage Necessary?

Indeed, it is vital, as indicated by the Hindu Vedas, marriage is the union between two souls. Because of this association, the fate of one influence the predetermination of the other. This makes it basic to consider the approaching fortunes and disasters of the kid and young lady or guy going into union which guarantee their health, wealth, achievement, significant serenity, future, development, success and in particular satisfaction and happiness.

What is Karma?

The Sanskrit word Karma, in a real sense deciphered, implies activity. It comes from the root Kri, which means, to act. Karma alludes to activities or deeds, before, present and future. Karma incorporates physical just as mental or emotional demonstrations.

In the yoga world, there are three kinds of karma.

1. Sanchitta (Stored Karma)

These are the amassed works and activities that you have finished before. These can't be changed however can just hold back to come into fulfilment. This is the tremendous aggregation of karma that incorporates our incalculable past lifetimes. This contains each activity that you have at any point made in your past lives at various times.

2. Prarabdha (Matured Karma)

Prarabdha is that portion of the past karma that is responsible for the present. These are the ripe and fructuous actions and reactions. The things that you did in the past make you what you are today. It cannot be avoided or changed, but only exhausted by being experienced.

3. Agami (Forthcoming Karma)

Agami karma in simple words is the karma we are making here in the given moment. The activities we do and the decisions we make at the present time, as we live this current lifetime.

Each one of these three parts of karma mix into one another. "As you think so shall you be" – our decisions and activities of the present time will turn into our karma later on.

The benefits of understanding karma are that it discourages one from performing unwholesome actions as it will bring about suffering. Instead, it encourages one to perform goodness and kindness, in order to bring happiness as their fruit.

By taking full responsibility for our thoughts and actions, we create our reality. Everything we think or do right now create the kind of future that is related to those thoughts and actions.

Thirumoorthy M – KP Astro, can be contacted on 97875 47777 Email: [email protected]


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