The Medicinal Tree of Religious Significance

The ‘Vilvam’ is a semi-deciduous thorny tree belonging to the family, Rutaceae. The ‘Shivadruma’ (The tree of Lord Shiva) or the ‘Vilvam’ is considered sacred by the Hindu populace all around the world. It is also known as the ‘Bael’ tree and it is native to India and the Southeast of Asia. Lord Shiva is said to be extremely fond of the Vilvam tree. It is often spotted around the temple vicinity of Lord Shiva and sometimes in the private dwellings of Hindus. The richness of its medicinal value also gives it a special status. Now a days, people having realized the value of it, started growing it in every home garden. There are also twelve varieties of the tree cultivated in Northern states of India. The Sadasiva Brahmendra Adhishtaanam at Nerur near Karur has an ancient Vilvam tree. This sacred tree is revered by his followers. 

It is an inseparable tree of any sacred grove. The Mahavilvam is found commonly in the plains and the mountains from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. The devotees present the Vilvam leaves to Lord Shiva. In one of the districts of Tamil Nadu, Kanyakumari, there are twelve famous Lord Shiva temples where Vilvam forms the Sthalavrksham and the deity is seen residing beneath the tree. The Sanskrit name for Vilvam is ‘Bilva’. Moreover, the references to the Vilvam tree can be noted in various Hindu scriptures, starting from Atharvaveda, Maitrayani Samhita, Aitreya Brahmana, Garuda Purana, Ramayana, Mahabhagavata Purana, Shiva Purana, Skanda Purana etc. The Sri Suktam (Rig Veda) considers this to be the home of Goddess Lakshmi.

The Chakrathazhwar at the Kumbakonam Chakrapani temple is offered Vilvam leaves. In the traditional practice of the Hindu and Buddhist religions by people of the Newar culture of Nepal, the Bael tree is part of a fertility rituals for girls known as the Bel Bibaaha. Girls are married to the Bael fruit; as long as the fruit is kept safe and never cracks, the girl can never become widowed, even if her husband dies. This is a ritual that guarantees the high status of widows in the Newar community compared to other women in Nepal. 

The importance of Vilvam is even expressed by the immemorial Indian scholar, Adi Shankaracharya in his poem, ‘Bilvaashtakam’. One of the verses beginning with “Tridalam Trigunakaram” expresses the significance and the importance of Bilva leaves in Sanatana Dharma, “I offer Bilva Patra (A Bilva Patra is so called leaf having three small leaves) to Lord Shiva. This Bilva Patra is a form of the three human qualities. Good Virtue (Sattva), Passion (Rajas), and Irascible (Tamas). This Bilva Patra is like three eyes, Sun, Moon, and Fire. It is like three weapons. It is destroyer of Sins committed in earlier three births. I perform Pooja of Lord Shiva with such Bilva Patra.”

There is a mythological story behind this practice. Once Lord Shiva had drunk a highly poisonous snake venom with the intention of saving this universe from its ultimate destruction. On seeing this, his wife, Devi Parvathy, pressed his neck so that the poison would not go down his throat. This led to the accumulation of poison and imparted a blue color to the neck region. The name, Neelakantan, means blue-necked man thus originated. To nullify the poison of the drink, Devavaidyan, the doctor of Devas, suggested to wear a garland made with the leaves of Vilvam.

The root, skin, fruits, and the leaves of the Bilva tree are used for medicinal purposes. The Vilvam has astringent, edema lessening, anti-diarrhea, antioxidant, laxative, and appetizing properties. Hence, it can be  used to cure both internal and external diseases. The Vilvam Chutney prescribed in the Bhojana section of our magazine in excellent recipe for maintaining a good health.

The other cures include, the Bael fruit clears Phlegm, High Blood Pressure, Morning Sickness in Pregnancy, Stress etc. Asthma can be controlled when a mixture of dry Bael leaf powder & honey is consumed daily. Jaundice can be cured by consuming the extracted juice of Vilvam leaves. Anemia can be cured by drinking the powder of Bael fruit mixed with milk. Bael fruit keeps skin rejuvenated when applied as a face pack. The Vilvam fruits are the best cure for joint aches.