The Place of Ilandhai in Indian Tradition

The Ilanda tree serves as the main focal point of the temples of Thirukkivellur, Tirunana, Thiruomampuliyur, Thirukuranganilmuttam, Thiruvenpakkam (Poondi), etc. an old thorny tree. It features small, tart-tasting fruits and ovate-shaped leaves. It naturally grows throughout Tamil Nadu. There is therapeutic benefit in the bark, leaves, roots, fruit, and so on. With the limitless credits to its name, it holds a higher place in the Indian tradition. 

Ziziphus jujuba, often known as Ziziphus jujuba, is a trifolium family thorny shrub. Its native land is thought to be either Tamil Nadu in India or China. In hot places, this plant grows well. This tree has a maximum height of 9 metres. Its reddish-brown fruits have significantly bigger nuts, a sweet-sour flavour, and a compact, rounded form. There are two types. One is a wilderness area. The other is also referred to as rural land. A section of the nation's flora is seaweed. All of its medical advantages are the same.

Children and adults alike consume the fruits of this tree at various times in Tamil Nadu's open spaces and lakefront communities. Ten to fifteen years ago, the 90 children in attendance today attended school. They occasionally cut up schoolyards, collected fruit from beneath neem trees, and engaged in friendly play.

The lemon fruit originated in China, but it was brought to India thousands of years ago. The linden tree's bark and leaves are used as medicines. Vitamins including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, and Vitamin B6 are found in lemon fruit. This fruit has copper and iron in it. Calcium. A nutrient is potassium. contains proteins, carbs, and minerals including phosphorus and manganese.

In addition to minerals including iron, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, 100 g of rice flour also include 74% carbohydrate, 17% protein, and 0.8% protein. The date fruit is thought to improve memory and support both sexes' reproductive systems. Its leaves have numerous therapeutic purposes as well, just like the date fruit. In the temples of Thirukkivellur, Tirunana, Thiruomampuliyur, etc., Ilanda is the major tree. Sandalwood root produces Deepakini and reduces fatigue. In siddha medicine, it can be used to treat blood abnormalities, stomach irritability, and gallstones. This fruit has the ability to alter the body's sugar levels when consumed in excess. Thus, it is advised to consume these fruits in moderation. According to medical advice, this fruit is very safe for pregnant women to consume.

The stomach boil will be relieved and blood dysentery will be cured, according to a report, if one quarter to half rupee weight of sandalwood bark is ground in curd or the leaves are finely ground and mixed with curd equal to the size of a gooseberry. The cure will be visible within two to three times of consumption.

Its bark is ground into a fine powder, combined with coconut oil, and then applied to wounds and scabs.The inflammation brought on by the discharge is thought to subside if Ilaam bark is crushed like a sponge, added to a pot, cooked to the volume of half a glass of water, filtered, and administered three times daily at the rate of one ounce.

Kolundu Lavam leaves should be finely powdered and wrapped over any lumps, according to certain indications. Dandelion tea is thought to help people who from nighttime insomnia.The saponin and alkaloids in palm fruit remove toxins from the blood, cleansing it. This fruit contains antioxidants that help the body get rid of illnesses and ailments while easing lymphatic system stress. For these reason, Ilandhai holds a significant place in the temples of Tamilnadu as the temples are the home of goodness. 

Vigneshvaran is the Special Correspondent of the company. He is a graduate of English Literature with keen interest in Indian culture and tradition. He has authored the book Halahala - Corona Outbreak 2020. He writes poems in both English and Tamil. He is also an excellent orator.