The White Aak Flower - A Flower with the Crown

The Aak plant is a common plant in the Indian subcontinent. Also known as Arsh, Mandar, Madar, or Akaua. The scientific name of this plant is Calotropis gigantea. There are many types of Aak plants, but the most important in Hinduism is the white Aak plant. It is considered to be very special and is one of the most commonly used sacred plants in Hinduism.

White Aak plants are often used to worship Lord Shiva. However, apart from mainstream religious activities, it is also widely used in Tantra Vidia. Tantra Vidia is often misunderstood as black magic and is often taboo. Most people hate it or don't believe it. However, it is said to be very effective if you believe it. Aak plants are also used in various ways in Tantra Vidia. The

White Arc Plant or "Schueterk" is different from the commonly found arc plants. The leaves of the white oak tree are as thick as the leaves of the banyan tree. When mature and ready to drop, the leaves turn yellow. The flowers are small and appear in racemes. The flowers may have variegated lines, but they are basically white. The fruit is similar in shape and size to mango and is filled with a white cotton-like structure. When they break, the stems and branches release white sap. Plants are toxic to the human body and should be handled with care. It should be kept out of the reach of small children.

It is believed that the Aak plant should be planted in front of the house. The presence of plants around the house will repel the harmful effects and black magic used on the inhabitants of the house. The idol of Sir Ganesha, made from the roots of the Aku plant, is considered to be very auspicious. Plants 2-3 years old can be carefully uprooted.

The statue of Sir Ganesha is said to have been carefully carved at the base of the plant. This idol can be placed in your Pooja room at your convenience. If you worship idols on a regular basis, you will be blessed with "Triska" or all the joys of life. Dress Ganesha's idol in red and prepare red flowers, red sandalwood paste, and red jewels. Ladoos can be provided by Bhoong and Jaggery. Next, worship Lord Ganesha in the mantra OmVakratundaya Hum. This will bring you the blessings of Lord Ganesha.

The flowers of the Aak plant, also known as Mandara Pushpa, are very important to Lord Shiva. In a sense, flowers resemble the spirit of Lord Shiva. They are as simple and easy to see as Lord Shiva, but very sacred. Just as Lord Shiva has a quick temperament, these flowers are toxic if not treated carefully. But on the other hand, Lord Shiva is immediately pleased. Aak flowers are very medicinal when used properly. When you offer a mandala flower to Shiva Ringa, Lord Shiva congratulates you on your simple and heartfelt offering. On days belonging to the

Ravipushya star, wrap the roots of the Aak plant in a red cloth and store it in a clean and safe place. It will help you bring happiness, peace and prosperity to your home. Aak Sit in front of or under the plant and pray daily. Doing this will help you get the results of your prayers faster. You can also use the Rosary to chant the mantra "OmGam Ganapataye Namah" for success in all areas.

Vigneshvaran is the special correspondent of the company. He is a graduate of English Literature who shows great interest in analyzing various practices followed in Sanatana dharma. He is a practical person with a curiosity to learn everything by experiencing. He is also a staunch nationalist and writes poems both in English and Tamil. Vignesh also is an excellent orator.