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From Previous Editions

A Line makes a Difference: Form-a-Square Game

“We would probably remember playing this game not a long time ago. Students of the last bench, during the math class, used to play...

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Passion-turned-Profession: Experiences of Vijay Raja

A Pragmatic Yoga TeacherVijay Raja is basically a gemologist and diamond grader. He is a graduate of Business Management from P. S...

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Supine Asanas in Yoga

PAVANAMUKTASANA (WIND-RELIEVING POSE)Name As the name suggests, this asana helps in releasing trapped wind from the stomach and i...

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Uriyadi - The Pot Game of Tamilnadu

Yriyadi resembles the game of breaking a pinata and is a classic and very entertaining pastime from Tamil Nadu. However, in this i...

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Annadha Food App – Episode 6

(Shreya & Atmika @ Sudhama’s house)“I think Uncle Prashanth is a genius man. He gave us a good brainstorming session and it had be...

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