Sehwag Tales - Chapter 4

To start from the first chapter : 

Amidst the lonesome blue ocean, where moonlight could not construct colossal waves, was floating the gigantic vessel of the tradesman Seedutt. Its towering sails almost touched the sky with its profound mast. Seedutt was standing on the edge of the ship, gazing at the stars, calculating the remaining journey. Most of his winnings from the expeditions were taken by Kattiyankar’s palace and yet the job was not just about the money to Seedutt. Exploration has been his life since he was orphaned. What’s left in the country for a man who has lost his family. At least that’s what he thought.

“We will meet the shores by the second daylight, Captain. Yemangadha is going to meet the most lucrative expedition in its history”, Seedutt said looking into the never ending water views, his hands inside the pockets of his pyjama, face and hairs blown by the pleasant wind. Pyjamas were one of many things he adapted from a neighbouring nation a little far away from Yemangadha, from where his mother came from. He stopped visiting his mom’s country a little after her demise.

Undisturbed by the thoughts of Sehwag, the captain and the other crew men were happier than ever. They have found huge treasure from the island they visited. The king of the island received them with good hospitality, they got good deals in exchange for spices, and some men in the crew even got married to the island women. They were celebrating the loot with the sura, a type of liquor they brew.

Captain and Seedutt were served with the foreign liquor from the island they visited, a spicy wine made out of fruits and flowers with a natural sugar base. Upon sipping the wine the captain noticed the cirrus clouds above them in the dark. “The wind is strong my friend”, he said as he stroked his eyes. “I’m afraid of a storm.” Clouds started to appear roaring noises and sea level started rising, the debris from nowhere struck the eyes of everyone on the ship. It was unexpected.

“WHIP THE SAILS OUT!” shouted the captain.

The crewmen were mostly drunk, yet they managed to react. Liquor was mostly medicinal to the native Yemangadhan Culture. But the influence of foreign traders did not fail to infiltrate the culture here and there. The most with the shipmen and the harbour.

Seedutt was panicked enough to stupidly gaze at the gold and gem barrels, maybe one of the effects of liquor. It makes you think about the most insignificant thing as the most significant. But the time was not so lenient with him. A monstrous sonorous noise struck his ears and he turned to see the white shining savage thunder hit the jaw of the ship.

Everything in front of him collapsed. He looked at the barrel that opened itself as it fell, the gems scattered around and the captain in the distance before closing his eyes, almost as if he was approaching death. Sea does this to people, makes your cells react even to the smallest of things, and collapses at the most unexpected time. Prolonged silence remained inside his head.

A blink…

A flash…

A blink…

A flash…

A blink and he opened his eyes to find him in a white morning shore, next to a broken wooden log, where the hot sand seeped through his torn pyjamas and the bright day light battered his eyes.

“Where in god’s name am I?”


Next Chapter : 

Vigneshwaran, Senior Correspondent of is both a skilled digital content writer and marketer by profession, as well as an avid independent writer driven by his passion. His literary talents extend to crafting beautiful poems and captivating short stories. In addition to these creative pursuits, he has also authored a book titled "Halahala," which can be found on Wattpad.

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