To start from the first chapter :
King Kaluzhavegan of Vidhyadhara Kingdom rushed to the spot on hearing the news. The prison at the basement of an old palace ruled by his predecessors, mostly worn out from wars, even rumoured by the people as haunted, stood abandoned in the outskirts of the city, except for a few soldiers on guard . The place was kept as a secret even to many royal families of Vidhyadhara, used to lock away classified prisoners and to deal with confidential matters.
Seedutt was held captive when he was found to be a citizen of Yemangadha, thought to be a spy, Vijayamadevi’s refuge in Vidhyadhara was mistaken to be leaked. When Kaluzhavegan reached the spot, it was already filled with people of high families, few trusted ministers and top ranked soldiers. The chief minister filled him with the update. “This man calls himself a trader and is believed to have reached our shores after a shipwreck. Nothing feels suspicious except the fact he is from Yemangadha. And the shipwreck is confirmed by our soldiers from a visit, the other men from the ship are saved and are being brought, your eminence.”
While the minister kept explaining the situation, a woman of tall and stout stature walked straight into the scene with no harm to the ground. The plain green saree draped around her in a unique fashion leaving the throw to the front, bloated cheeks extended into shrunken lines towards the witnessed chin, faint white eyes that bore a strategic look and the foot never seen outside the saree gave her a simple yet pompous appearance. Everyone in the scene stepped back extending her path towards the king. She said no words to the king but only clubbed her hands with a Vanakkam, withdrawing her chin down expressing a welcome, and a scant smile over the lips.
Vijayamadevi has changed a lot in twenty years, the young and innocent queen who was always looking for Kachandha was no longer alive, but there evolved a woman with nothing but remorse and revenge. King Kaluzhavegan responded to her with a similar gesture. Her eyes haltingly turned towards the prisoner, she speaks very less nowadays. “Release him, he is no threat.” Nothing more, nothing less.
The order was taken and Seedutt was soon brought to recovery. King Kaluzhavegan and Vijyamadevi walked past the crowd discussing the familial matters. They were planning to get Kaluzhavegan’s daughter Gandharva Dhatha married to Sehwag for a long time, and they thought the right time had come, and Vijayamadevi thought Seedutt could become a tool for that at disposal. She had a plan.
Young Gandharva Dhatha was at her Andhapura chambers doing her painting. She had natural complexed skin with elegant eyes, lips and nose placed with concern, bearing every feature expected out of a beautiful woman. The high raised neck of her that led to the dimly speckled bosom rather silvery, and then to the red bodice choli with paint spilled all over would mesmerise anyone. Any man would fall if he had seen her struggling to veer the hair that fell on her cheeks with her elbows, while her fingers were full of colours.
Dhatha’s friend Veenapathi helped her with the hair while complaining about her obsession with music and art. The painting bore a young couple next to a man sized harp, playing together, their fingers coordinating the music while their eyes looked at each other, the girl in the painting resembled Dhatha. She wished to marry a man with the knowledge in music meeting hers. No man in Vidhyadhara was even close to her music skills, she sings like a koel, her father comments often. Vijayamadevi was her teacher, in fact she is the one who devised this admiration in Dhatha. If kingdoms were captured with wars on one side, they were expanded with matrimony on the other.
“What an amazing art!” Vijayamadevi entered into the chamber passing a prospective comment. Dhatha promptly stood with respect and gained blessings from her teacher. “How can a man appreciate his bride’s art if he is not an artist himself?” Vijayamedi continued on the painting.
“Well said mother!” Dhatha agreed to her, not just because she was made to believe so, but she found it appealing too.
Veenapathi interefered, “A man should love me more than my art”, with an apologising gesture for interfering.
Vijayamadevi replied with a smile while Dhatha laughingly said, “You will know when he snores to your music.”
Veenapathi plays too. She studied alongside Dhatha since her childhood.
“That’s true child. A man who loves you will give you a life, while only the man who loves your interests will let you live it”, said Vijamadevi holding Dhatha’s arms and continued, “The king, your father is expecting you, meet him in his palace”
Dhatha left at once. Veenapathi followed her like a shadow. And Vijayamadevi continued to look at the painting and sighed, “I hope my son exceeds her expectations.”
Next Chapter :
Vigneshwaran, Senior Correspondent of is both a skilled digital content writer and marketer by profession, as well as an avid independent writer driven by his passion. His literary talents extend to crafting beautiful poems and captivating short stories. In addition to these creative pursuits, he has also authored a book titled "Halahala," which can be found on Wattpad.
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