Gentle Breathes and Rhythmic Stretches

The Lemurrian Yoga 

The birthplace of yoga is India. The Sanskrit word Yoga comes from the Dhatu (root) ‘Yuj’ which means to ‘to join’, ‘to yoke’, or ‘to unite’. As per ‘Yoga Shastras’, it is defined that the continuous practice of Yoga helps in the union of the individual conscious with that of the Universal Consciousness. The Universal Consciousness is nothing but what the followers of Sanatana Dharma believe to be God. The Sanatana Dharma prescribes various ways of realization, they are, Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali, Hatha Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Swara Yoga, and Raja Yoga. 

In this twentieth century, one could notice the growing awareness of keeping oneself physically fit. As a result, one of the ways of Yoga, Hatha, is becoming popular. There are various sub-branches in Hatha Yoga available to suit various types of bodies. The Lemurrian Yoga is one of the kinds of Hatha Yoga found in Tamil Nadu which could be traced back to centuries. 

In this article, let us the history, the essence, the significance, the stages, and the teacher.  


Lemurrian Yoga – A unique yogic practise, was formulated nearly 32000 years ago by Tamil Siddars of the ancient Lemuria Kandam. It is a remarkably simple, yet profound way to connect to the depthless state of your being. 

As mentioned earlier, according to the Tamil revivalist of the 20th century, Kumari Kandam or Lemuria was the land where the Pandian kings once reigned. It is also where the Tamil Literary academies known as Sangams were established. It is believed that yoga was formulated and practiced even before the Tamil Sangam age. So, the name Lemurrian Yoga holds close to the understanding that "the way of yoga" is associated with the lost continent. The revivalists claim Kumari Kandam as the cradle of civilisation to prove Tamil language and the culture's antiquity. The story of the lost continent called Lemuria may or may not be true. Still, the soul of Lemurrian Yoga which connects each posture to necessary everyday activities will energize and resonate with every human by uniting the body, mind, and soul for a better living. 


Lemurrian Yogic practice is a carefully curated program comprising of gentle stretches, breathing techniques and meditation. According to Lemurrian seers, every action/movement is a yogic practice. Movement and breathing are interlinked. Movements of the body influence the speed and counts of the breath. Slower the movement-lesser the speed and counts of breathing. 

Whenever the breathing happens slowly, the ever-wandering mind is still and comes to rest. This eases the mind and relaxes it to a state of peace and calm. The Lemurrian Yogic stretches are rhythmic, gentle, subtle; and impact the consciousness. The breathing techniques purifies lungs, heart and blood vessels and invigorates the health. The practice removes and rejuvenates the nervous system by removing toxins in it.  

The postures and breathing techniques make inhalation and exhalation smooth and slow. Breath links the body, mind complex. Mind and breathing are interlinked; thus, the flow and pattern of breathing affect the mind. It is tough to control the mind directly. The breath works on fixing the oscillating mind and puts it in a state of restful balance. Daily practice will yield the practitioner the gift of good health. 

Significance of Lemmurian Yogic Practice 

  • The yogic practice is designed to prepare the physical body for meditation by removing the restlessness at the physical level.  
  • Breathing techniques – pranayama - are practiced to bring alertness and enhance a keen sense of awareness.
  • Pranayama calms and centers the mind so that one is gently guided into meditation.
  • The primary goal of Lemurrian Yoga is to experience the profundity of meditation.

Through the practice of Lemurrian Yoga, there is a union of cosmic energy with bioenergy. The oscillating mind is stilled and gently eased into a state of deep rest. Regular practice will help the practitioner have immense concentration and help perform his duties to the best of his abilities. Thus, one feels very fresh, dynamic, and active after the practice of Lemurrian Yoga. 

Stages in Lemmurian Yoga 

Every stage has the following practice, 

  • Vaalai Thai Salutation 
  • Two variations of sitting posture 
  • Two variations of standing posture 
  • Two variations of walking posture 
  • Two Variations of laying down posture
  • Breathing Techniques and Meditation 


Acharya Sennimalai Kalimuthu after understanding and imbibing the "Lemurrian Yoga theories" from various masters has put together the yoga practice to be disseminated to the world by Dr Siddharth AMR Kalingarayar. 

For more details and enrolling, visit 

The Kalingarayars are an ancient clan of rulers who ruled parts of Western Tamil Nadu from the times of the Cholas. Siddharth AMR Kalingarayar is a modern day businessman and aristocrat rolled into one and shuttles between Uthukuli which is located on the outskirts of Pollachi and the industrial city of Coimbatore. He is part of the 37th generation from the time his family made a mark in the history of the ancient Kongu country.