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From Previous Editions

Unequal Equation

"An equation can never be without balance.Science ‘knows’ it as illogical; No equivalence. Vedanta is very clear. A is B, but...

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The First Woman Ghatam Legend, Sukkanya Ramgopal and Her Success Story

“Nothing would have been possible without guru and God’s grace,” Sukkanya Ramgopal opened the confabulating conversation with a hu...

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The Odissi Dance-form, A Tribute to Lord Jagannath

Dance-guru Chinmayee and her recollections Annalakshmi, the traditional food eatery at Racecourse in Coimbatore has been an icon...

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The Able and Capable Bharatanatyam Dancer

Mathula was full of cheer and energy during the interaction with the Verandah Club team. The school cum mini auditorium at Bharath...

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Bangles - A Women's Best Friend

An era is drawing to a close! A period when people used to wake up before the birds and the sun. An Era when people ate their dinn...

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