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Aasanas for Healthy Living

Suptha Padangushtasana (Lying Back Toe Pose) Introduction Yoga is a meditative practice and in order to benefit the most out of...

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Stretch of Yoga: Stretch of the mind from Asat to Sat

Mention yoga and the first thing that comes to mind is somebody standing on their head or twisted like a pretzel. And you are not...

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Sampoorna Yoga: A Preferable Way to Healthy Life

Words of Yoga Practitioner AlkaAlka was born and brought up in Delhi. She was born to Jagannathan and Prabhavati. Alka is married...

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Annadha Food App – Episode 7

It took them around a month, and not a week as they thought they would need to process the plans. Gradual and steady growth is the...

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