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Aasanas for Healthy Living

1. Dhanurasana – Bow Pose A perfect backward bending pose that stimulates all the parts of the body. The upper, middle, and the lo...

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Annadha Food App

Episode – III “A perfect fit, you hit the nail!” Sudhama replied with excitement. “We need to plan out things before we start exec...

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The Tribal Games of Nilgiris

Introduction: Adivasis are Indigenous people belonging to mountains, forests, and other terrestrial areas. They mostly live as for...

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Standing Asanas in Yoga

TADASANA ( PALM TREE POSE )Name Tadasana is often referred to as the palm tree pose as the body takes the shape of a palm tree i...

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Sehwag Tales - Chapter 4

To start from the first chapter : https://theverandahclub.com/article/sehwag-tales-chapter-1-853 Amidst the lonesome blue ocean, w...

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