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Steps to Gain Yogic Immunity

Murali Krishna and His Yoga CentreA person who dives into the abysmal ocean of yoga finds for oneself a unique gift that one deser...

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Sitting Asanas in Yoga

PADMASANA (LOTUS POSE)Name Padma means lotus. As the body takes the shape of a lotus in the final position of this asana, it is c...

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Annadha Food App - Episode 4

Sudhama opened the door and his mother brought in freshly made sweets and savories that were not only delicious but also cooked wi...

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A Winter Dream! – A Memoir from the Past

On 4th of January 2009, I realized what it feels like to be an Indian: standing on the edge of this country amongst 5000 odd of my...

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Pallanguzhi paati

My grandmother Ramathaal was a fair complexioned stout woman who loved potato bondas more than sarees and jewelleries. A woman wit...

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