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Annadha Food App

Episode – II Sudhama preferred a bus travel to a bike because buses were well equipped with Artificial Intelligence systems. High...

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Breathing Techniques in Yoga: A Gateway to Health and Wellness

Breath is life, and nowhere is this more evident than in the practice of yoga. While many associate yoga with contorted poses and...

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Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) - A guide to Physical and Mental Health

Surya or the sun is a source of energy for all living beings on earth. Surya namaskar is a set of seven yogic pieces performed in...

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Boys of Def Col - Part 4

Continued fromPart 1 - https://theverandahclub.com/article/boys-of-def-col-a-verandah-club-exclusive-series-487Part 2 - https://th...

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The Famous Japanese Anime "One Piece" is Based on The Story of Lord Hanuman

Every anime enthusiast is well-acquainted with the legendary and ever-trending Japanese anime - One Piece. Yet, amidst the high se...

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