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From Previous Editions

Ayurveda Guidance for this Rainy Season

Introduction:As the monsoon clouds gather and raindrops dance on leaves, the rainy season brings a refreshing change to the enviro...

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The Star Game

Nakshatra VilayatuThis game is played by only one player. The playing board is shaped in the form of a star, hence known as star g...

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Open the Heart

We live in extremely challenging times with the Covid-19 pandemic forcing us to change our every way of life; from the way we work...

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Exploring Different Styles of Yoga: Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and More

Introduction: Yoga, a centuries-old practice originating from ancient India, has evolved into a diverse tapestry of styles, each...

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The Tale of Kubera's Feast: Lessons from the Divine Realm

Kubera, the God of wealth once decided it was time to showcase his riches to the divine beings. His grand idea? An extravagant fea...

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