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Category: BHOJANA
From Previous Editions

Summa Oru Coffee

IntroductionBeverages are supplements to our regular diet. Consumption of the same has been prevalent from time immemorial. Long b...

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Kollu Rasam is a Kongu Rasam!

So as you all know this is "Summer season" in this time everyone would try some iceĀ "kalt " drinks .I gladly got a chance to write...

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Kannan's MOHAN SWEET STALL - A Sweet Legacy

Hard working Ammini Ammal had founded a ' Petti Kadai ' ( tiny box like shop ) those days. She used to sell sweets and savories t...

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Eating the Dharmic Way

A human being needs nourishment to survive. The body gets nourished through the intake of food and the mind through various yogic...

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Recipe of Borugulu Uppuma

Introduction Shantha Damodaran (Family of P. A. Raju Chettiar) is happily married to R. Damodaran, and the couple lived at Coimb...

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