In the lush, green heart of Kerala lived an elephant who became a living legend - a tale of an elephant turned into a bakth. His n...
Ashadhi Ekadashi, also known as Shayani Ekadashi, falls on the 11th lunar day (Ekadashi) of the bright fortnight (Shukla Paksha) o...
In the early days of cinema, both silent and talkie films thrived on puranas and ithihasas. However, as the years passed, especial...
Every year, as the monsoon rains dance on the fields of India, an ancient story unfolds in the hearts of millions. It is the story...
Ganesh Chaturthi, also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi, is a significant Hindu festival that honors Lord Ganesha, the deity revered as...
The Venkateshwara Swami Temple in Tirupati is among the holiest places in the world for Hindus. Millions of people throng the temp...
The Nine days of Navaratri are devoted to the worship of the feminine energy in different forms. The first day of Navaratri begins...
Navaratri is one of the most cherished festivals in our country. Nava means Nine, and Ratri refers to night. This festival starts...
On the second day of the Navaratri celebrations, Goddess Brahmacharini is worshipped. She is another avatar of Goddess Durga. The...
Goddess Chandraghantha is honoured and worshipped on the third day of the Navaratri. The Goddess Chandraghantha is yet another ava...
Goddess Kushmanda is worshipped on the fourth day of the Navaratri Celebrations. She is a happy goddess and is depicted always wit...
Maa Skandamatha is celebrated and worshipped on the fifth day of the Navaratri. This Goddess is an avatar of Maa Parvathi. She is...
Day six of the Navaratri celebrations is dedicated to the worship of Devi Katyayani. She is also known as Mahisasuramardini ( sinc...
The Goddess revered and worshipped on the 7th day of Navaratri is Maa Kaalaratri. She is a fierce manifestation of Devi Durga. She...
To Register : Western Ghats Lit Fest by The Verandah Club, a premier literary event in Sout...
The eighth day of the Navaratri is called the Maha Ashtami and is an auspicious day. Goddess Mahagauri is adored and worshipped on...
Goddess Siddhidatri is revered and worshipped on the ninth day of the Navarati. The ninth day of Navaratri falls on a Navami, and...
The Western Ghat Lit Fest, themed "Bharat Fast Forward," was held in Coimbatore on the 19th and 20th of October 2024. Curated by S...
It is a sad reality that our Itihasa and Puranas have been subject to severe distortion over the years. This is not surprising con...
Subramania Bharati, often referred to as Mahakavi Bharati (Great Poet Bharati), was a revolutionary poet, journalist, and social r...
The Samudra Manthan is a well-known incident in our folklore. The Devas and Asuras churned the ocean in the quest for Amritha, the...
The Maha Kumbh Mela, hailed as the world's largest religious gathering, is a profound manifestation of Hindu faith and tradition....
Life often presents us with choices that test our resolve, faith, and priorities. Attending the Prana Pratishtha of the Ram Lalla...
A Hindu from Haryana in the North or Tamil Nadu in the South residing in any North-Eastern state and often labelled by Christian o...
In the lush, green heart of Kerala lived an elephant who became a living legend - a tale of an elephant turned into a bakth. His name was Keshavan, bu...
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